April Newsletter 2018

NEWSLETTER: Thank you all for being part of this growing community. We’ve had over 14,245 views/ visitors to the website since starting last November. I’m amazed at what we are creating together. The quality of the writers, the range of experiences and countries covered are so inspiring. Let’s keep it going as the summer comes upon us. It’s that time to get out and explore again. I’ll be heading up to Quebec for a month. The plan is to work on a novel in the mornings, and to wander around in the afternoons. I can’t wait.

Think of others you know who might want to send in a story, postcard, or set of photos. I’d like to keep growing. My own challenge has been finding ways to spread the news that we’re here. We’re getting views but I’m not reaching those on the road as much as I’d like. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Can you pass it along whenever you meet a storyteller and adventurer? I’d appreciate it.

This brings me to another point that comes up online when I put the call out:
Why do I charge a fee to submit?

There are many reasons but in short, there are costs for running a website. Submittable charges $35 month. The website address costs about $60 year. Internet bills. Electricity bills. Marketing on FB and IG. Those are the out-of-pocket costs. There are the intangables too, the amount of time responding to emails, reading the submissions, editing, formatting, finding the images, scheduling, newsletters, marketing, researching, growing a community online, and this is all done for the love of travel stories. The goal is to provide a place to share our experiences with each other. Most online website journals are supported by colleges, grants, subscriptions or adverts. We’re not.

Last month, Submittable paid me $7.43, the difference of cost and income. That is all. This is not a money making endevour. It’s an inspiration. A labor of love. Spread the love of travel. That’s the focus as we go ahead.
If ever you have any questions about the financial side, or want to volunteer, please contact me, and we can chat more. I’d appreciate the help and conversation.

Thanks and let more know to find us, support us, publish with us.
Now get out there, go explore more!


Founder/ Editor

